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Manifesto 2024

Ahead of the next UK General Election, the Blood Cancer Alliance has launched our Manifesto 2024 - A Strategy for Blood Cancer.

Read our Manifesto 2024 in full by clicking here.

Together, blood cancers represent the fifth most common type of cancer in the UK. It is the most prevalent childhood cancer, and overall, is the third biggest cancer killer. Yet from awareness, to diagnosis, to information, care and support, blood cancer patients are less likely to have their needs fully met than patients with the four most common cancers – breast, colorectal, lung and prostate.

Given its prevalence, no government can hope to meet universal cancer diagnosis or survival targets without addressing the distinct and specific challenges faced by patients with blood cancer.

Our Manifesto 2024 leads with an overarching call to action for the next Government to produce a new national cancer strategy within its first year, which recognises the distinct challenges faced by adult and paediatric blood cancer patients and includes specific measures to address them. We have also developed a number of supporting calls to action, focusing on:

  • Improving blood cancer diagnosis

  • Ensuring all blood patients have access to kinder, better treatments

  • Addressing the impact of health inequalities on blood cancer patients

  • Resolving systemic issues within the NHS, including data quality, service infrastructure and haematology and cancer workforce, which will enable improvement in blood cancer care and support

We urge people to support our Manifesto 2024 aims and policy calls and join us in asking the next Government to ensure its approach to cancer policymaking and cancer improvement is inclusive of the needs to blood cancer patients. Ways you can support us include:

  • Emailing our Manifesto 2024 to your local MP and Parliamentary candidates

  • Sharing our Manifesto 2024 via your social media accounts

Together, we can work to ensure that all people with blood cancer can live longer, better lives.